Chapter 3 Application Development Information
Hexadecimal Dumping Mode
In the hexadecimal dumping mode, the printer prints the data transmitted from a host computer
in hexadecimal numbers and their corresponding characters.
Starting hexadecimal dumping
Follow the steps below to perform the hexadecimal dumping.
Open the roll paper cover.
While pressing the FEED button, turn on the printer.
Close the roll paper cover.
Data received from then on is printed out from the printer in hexadecimal numbers and
their corresponding characters.
To quit the hexadecimal dumping mode, turn off the printer or press the
FEED button three times.
Printing example
• If there is no character corresponding to print data, “.” is printed.
• If print data is less than one line, press the FEED button to print the line.
• Applications that confirm printer status may not work correctly during the hexadecimal
dumping mode. The printer returns only the status for “Transmit real-time status.”
Hexadecimal Dump
To terminate hexadecimal dump,
press FEED button three times.
1B 21 00 1B 26 02 40 40 1B 69 .!..&.@@.i
1B 25 01 1B 63 34 00 1B 30 31 .%..c4..01
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A ABCDEFGHIJ
*** completed ***
. ! . . & . @ @ . i
. % . . c 4 . . 0 1