If this analysis shows no other problems with the disk, follow these steps:
Back up all the files on your hard disk.
Re-format the disk using option 2, Format hard disk, on the
Re-create the MS-DOS partition with FDISK and format it with
SELECT. (See your MS-DOS manual.)
Restore your files.
Head select check
This test checks whether each head of the hard disk drive can be selected
correctly. If both heads are checked without an error, the program returns to
the menu.
Select option 3 from the menu to start this test.
Error detection and correction check
This test checks the ability of the hard disk drive to detect a read/write
error and to correct the data accordingly.
Note: This test destroys some data on the innermost cylinder of the
selected hard disk drive. This cylinder is reserved for diagnostics,
and is never used for storage by MS-DOS. Therefore, data created
by MS-DOS is not destroyed.
Select option
from the menu to start this test. You see these messages:
The data on the highest physical cylinder may be
destroyed by this check.
Enter Y to start this check.
Enter N to return to the menu.
Press Y and then Enter to continue with the test. If no errors occur, the
menu reappears.
An error occurs only if the drive is malfunctioning. In this case, back up
all your files, and have the drive serviced immediately. (The drive may be
corrupting your data.)