
Optional RAM Check
If any additional memory (expansion RAM) is installed, the computer
then checks that RAM for any malfunction.
Floppy Disk Drive Seek Check
The computer checks its floppy disk drives by searching the read/write
heads for any malfunction.
If any seek errors are found, you see this message:
601-Diskette error
If this error occurs, confirm that the system diskette is inserted into drive A.
If this number still appears after you insert the diskette, the disk drive must
be repaired.
Hard Disk Controller and Hard Disk Check
The computer next checks the hard disk controller and drive unit. If a
malfunction is found in the hard disk controller card, you see this error
number and message:
1782-Disk controller failure
If an error is found in the hard disk drive unit, one of these error mes-
sages displays:
178x-Disk x error
179x-Disk x error
where x is 0 or 1, and represents the drive number of the hard disk. Drive C
is number 0, and drive D is number 1.