Parity is a method for a computer and printer to check the reliability
of data transmission.
See IO pitch.
Indicates the number of characters per inch (cpi). For example, 10
pitch printing is 10 cpi.
The black roller that provides a backing for the printing.
Print direction
The LQ-2500 has two print direction settings, bidirectional, (Bi-D),
and unidirectional (Uni-D). Generally bidirectional is used for text
printing; it’s the faster of the two directions. Unidirectional is used
mostly for graphics, because it permits better alignment, although it
prints slower.
Print quality
The LQ-2500 has two types of print quality: draft and Letter Quality
Draft is for high-speed, draft quality jobs; Letter Quality is for final,
polished correspondence.
Proportional printing
Printing in which the width of the character varies from character to
character. Therefore, a capital W, for example, receives much more
space than a lowercase i.
Random Access Memory The portion of the printers memory used as
a buffer and for storing user-defined characters. All data stored in
RAM is lost when the printer is turned off.
Returning a printer to its defaults, with either a command, an INIT
signal, or by turning the printer off and on.
Right margin
A SelecType setting that lets you set the column position where you
want the last character printed. The range is from 1 to 136. The right
margin setting must be greater than the left column setting.