Setting Up Graphics Programs
The LQ-2500 is capable of producing finely detailed graphic images in
black or in color (with the optional color kit). Chapter 6 gives specific
information on the graphics commands. However, the easiest way to
take advantage of the LQ’s capabilities is with one of the many graphics
programs available.
installation or setup
Most graphics programs have a printer selection routine, in which
case you should check Table 4-1 for the proper priority With graphics,
however, it’s even more important to select one of the LQ-series of
printers. The LQs are 24pin printers, and consequently are capable of
more detailed graphics than the FX or LX series, which are nine-pin
SekType and
Any one of the four SelecType macros can be used with dot graphics
programs, because most graphics programs send their own commands
to print images dot by dot.
Preset macro 4 makes use of the Graphic character table, which uses
graphics for printing lines, corners, and shaded areas as
shown in Chapter
2. For more information on selecting the character sets.
see Chapters 2 and 5. The character tables are printed in Appendix B.
Using the LQ-2500 with Application Programs