
Page 70 Epson Research and Development
Vancouver Design Center
S1D13708 Programming Notes and Examples
X39A-G-003-01 Issue Date: 01/11/20
ct to C
UInt32 halGetClock(CLOCKSELECT Clock)
Description: Returns the frequency of the clock input identified by 'Clock'.
Parameters: Clock Indicates which clock to read. This value can be CLKI or CLKI2.
Return Value: The frequency, in Hz, of the requested clock.
9.2.5 Miscellaneous
The miscellaneous function are an assortment of routines, determined to be beneficial to a
number of programs and hence warranted being included in the HAL.
void halGetVersionInfo(const char * szProgName, const char * szDesc, const char * szVersion,
char * szRetStr, int Length)
Description: This routine creates a standardized startup banner by merging program and HAL specific
information. The newly formulated string is returned to the calling program for display.
The final formatted string will resemble:
13708PROGRAM - Internal test and diagnostic program - Build 1234 [HAL: 1234]
Copyright (c) 2001 Epson Research and Development, Inc.
All rights reserved.
Parameters: szProgName Pointer to an ASCIIZ string containing the name of the program.
(e.g. “PROGRAM”).
szDesc Pointer to an ASCIIZ string containing a description of what this program
is intended to do (e.g. “Internal test and diagnostic program”).
szVersion Pointer to an ASCIIZ string containing the build info for this program. This
should be the revision info string as updated by Microsoft Visual Source
(e.g. “$Revision: 30 $”).
szRetStr Pointer to a buffer into which the product and version information will be
formatted into.
Length Total number of bytes in the string pointed to by szRetStr. This function will
write Length or fewer bytes to the buffer pointed to by szRetStr.
Return Value: Nothing.