You see a window like this:
Note: With OS X 10.6, 10.7, 10.8, or 10.9, you can download and install Epson Scan scanning
software, which will provide additional image adjustment features within Document Capture. To
download Epson Scan, visit Epson's driver download site (U.S. downloads or Canadian downloads).
Note: If you want to use a scan job that you created instead, select it from the Job list in the
Document Capture Pro or Document Capture window, click the Start Job button, and skip the
rest of these steps.
3. Select any displayed scan settings you want to use.
Note: See the Help information in Document Capture Pro or Document Capture for details.
4. If you want to select detailed scan settings, do one of the following:
• Windows: Click Detailed Settings. Select any displayed scan settings you want to use and click