1. Do one of the following:
• OS X 10.6/10.7/10.8/10.9: In the Apple menu or the Dock, select System Preferences. Select
Print & Fax, Print & Scan, or Printers & Scanners, select the FAX option for your product, and
select Options & Supplies. Select Utility and select Open Printer Utility.
• OS X 10.5: In the Apple menu or the Dock, select System Preferences. Select Print & Fax,
select the FAX option for your product, and select Open Print Queue. Select Utility.
2. Double-click FAX Utility, if necessary.
You see this window:
3. Select your FAX product in the Printer list.
4. Select Fax Settings.
5. Follow the prompts that appear on the screen to enter your fax header information and select your
fax settings.
Note: For detailed information, select the FAX Utility ? icon.
Parent topic: Setting Up Fax Features
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Setting Up Fax Features