
About Crestron RoomView®
Admin Password
Select the Enabled check box to require a password to open the Tools
The following items can be set.
Item Function
New Password Enter the new password required to open the
Tools window. (The password can contain up to
26 single-byte alphanumeric characters.)
Confirm Enter the same password you entered in New
Password. If the passwords are not the same, an
error will be displayed.
Send Click this button to commit changes made to the
Admin Password.
User Password
Select the Enabled check box to require a password to open the
operation window on the computer.
The following items can be set.
Item Function
New Password Enter the new password required to open the
operation window. (The password can contain
up to 26 single-byte alphanumeric characters.)
Confirm Enter the same password you entered in New
Password. If the passwords are not the same, an
error will be displayed.
Send Click this button to commit changes made to
User Password.