Configuration and Management
1/1551-CRH 102 167 Uen Rev A 2006-09-07
Unblocking SIM Card
If three attempts have been made with the wrong PIN, the SIM card is
blocked. The PUK is required to unblock the card. Click the Unblock SIM
link that will be displayed beside the PIN field. The Unblock SIM page is
Figure 23 Unblock SIM page
Type the PUK in the PUK field and type a new PIN in the New PIN and
Retype new PIN fields. Click OK .
Note: If ten attempts have been made with the wrong PUK, the SIM card
is permanently blocked. A new SIM card is required.
Changing Authentication Details
If SIM authentication is verified, you cannot edit the PIN field. To change
PIN, click Change PIN
. The Change PIN page is displayed:
Figure 24 Change PIN page