Configuration and Management
1/1551-CRH 102 167 Uen Rev A 2006-09-07
Server Port
The destination port, which identifies the type of
service that is directed, for example web service on
port 8080.
The data traffic protocol; UDP or TCP.
Editing an Instance
To edit a port forwarding instance, click the corresponding Edit
link in the
Port Forwarding section on the NAT page. The Edit Portforwarding
Instance page is displayed.
Change one or more value(s) in the Protocol, NAT Port, Server IP, or
Server Port field(s) and click Apply .
2.8 File Sharing
The Ericsson W20 supports local network storage. It is possible to connect
up to two USB mass storage devices at the same time.
The included files are shared with all devices on the LAN. All local users
have full access to the shared files.
Figure 30 File Sharing page