The Harmonizer
Programmer’s Manual
The Harmonizer
Programmer’s Manual Page 27 of 97 Release 1.2.1
1999 Eventide, Inc.
The Specifier Display
Some mention was made in the General Principles
Chapter of “Specifiers." The astute reader will note
that no mention has been made of these creatures
since! Well, now’s the time. Go ahead and add a
delay module from the “Delay” group.
Once it’s added, double-
click on it. You will call up
the “VSigfile Specifier
Display” shown to the right.
We’ve entered the “guts” of
the module. Here we have
access to all kinds of cool
stuff. Cells that contain
black type can be altered,
while those that contain gray
type cannot. Let’s take each row in turn. . .
Title Line
The first row gives a general description of each column (more or less).
• The type column describes what type of input or output a row pertains to
(if a row doesn’t have anything to do with
inputs or outputs (like the first two shown above), the ‘type’ column is of little value)
• The MODULE column contains most of the alterable information in the Display. The title of the column
(in this case, “DELAY”) is the module type.
• The description column gives a marginally useful description of each row.
• The min and max columns list the minimum and maximum values that can be entered in the MODULE
• The visible column allows you to “hide” input or outputs in the normal VSigfile display.
Module Name
The second row, MODULE column cell allows you to alter the name of the module. The module name is a
text string that is stored with a particular module. There is a default module name that is usually the same as
the module type. It is helpful to change the module name immediately after adding a module so that
modules of the same type can be told apart. Choose a name that reflects both the purpose of the module
within the patch, and the module type. The name may be up to 18 characters in length, and no two
modules in a given patch may share the same name.