The Harmonizer
Programmer’s Manual
The Harmonizer
Programmer’s Manual Page 95 of 97 Release 1.2.1
1999 Eventide, Inc.
• Return to the PARAMETER area and observe the menu
page. Note that it shows two meter module monitors
are in fact two pictures of the same meter module)
. Notice that the SOFT
is not stacked.
• Go back to the Patch Editor area,
misc display mode and
<insert> another menupage module. Edit its module
name using the <modify> SOFT KEY such that it reads
2menupage." Then change the description specifier to
read “
2” (you will need to use the CXL key to delete characters). Press
<done> to exit the <modify> menu.
Note the module name in the upper right corner of the display.
• Go back into the
<modify> SOFT KEY menu for the
2menupage module and set the # entries specifier to 1
and then change the
obj1 specifier to meter-obj. Exit from
<modify> menu by pressing <done>.
• Now, using the LEFT or RIGHT CURSOR key, select the
1menupage module. Use the <modify> SOFT KEY and
change its
# entries specifier to 3 and its obj3 to
2menupage. Press <done>.
• Return to the
PARAMETER area. Notice that there is now a
stack of
SOFT KEY menu pages. The title of the top menu
page is still “
• Press the
SOFT KEY. The second menu, whose title is “2."
has only one meter module monitor on it.