Encoder Buttons
These may be used for either of two purposes:
1) As general purpose controller buttons.
Ü Extra controller options with EVE/NET on page 3.
2) To load setups on the controlled unit.
Ü See Orville User Manual for more on setups.
Ü See below to see how to set this up..
Loading Setups on Orville using the Encoder Buttons.
A complete setup, including presets and routing, on a controlled Orville may be loaded with
one press of an encoder button. This is a significant
time saver for the busy operator.
To save the current setup under an encoder button,
press it and hold it until you see the message at right.
If you release the button immediately, the operation
will be canceled, and the previous setup saved under
that button (if any) will be loaded.
If instead, you keep it held down longer, you will see
the “saving” message, and the setup will then be
saved, overwriting any previous setup saved under
that button..
When a setup is saved under an encoder button, the
names of its presets will be displayed when the
button is first pressed. If the button is immediately
released, the setup will not be loaded.
These setups are saved as normal user setups, given
the name “button_1”, “button_2” etc. As a result, they can be deleted, updated or renamed in
the normal way.
Ü See Orville User Manual to learn about saved setups.
The time that you have to hold down the encoder button before getting the “release to load”
message is known as the load holdoff time, and is set at the Orville. This should be set long
enough so that you do not load setups accidentally by leaning on a button (or a visitor saying
“what does this do”..) The default is two seconds. In addition, if you are also using the
buttons as a source for a controller, you will want it to be long enough that you can make the
distinction between these two operating modes (press and release quickly as a control, press
and hold to load).
Ü See how to set the load holdoff time on page 4.
Using a Joystick
A standard PC type joystick can be plugged into the 15 pin socket on the back of the remote.
This socket will accept two joysticks, given a suitable cable adaptor. Such joysticks and
adaptors are readily available from computer stores.
EVE/NET Remote User Manual
Document 141044
Release 1.0 Page 10 of 20