Sybase Software Asset Management
8 Replication Server
Install the network license server on the three selected machines and deploy the
license obtained on all three machines. See “Installing a new license server”
on page 22 for instructions.
To configure Replication Server to use these redundant network servers,
specify the addresses for three servers in SYBASE_LICENSE_FILE
environment variable as port@host separated by a semicolon. For example:
set SYBASE_LICENSE_FILE 1700@srv1;1700@srv2;1700@srv3
Any two of the servers specified in SYBASE_LICENSE_FILE must be
running for checkout to succeed.
Using alternative license file locations
You can specify alternate license locations using the
SYBASE_LICENSE_FILE and LM_LICENSE_FILE environment variables.
The product looks at the locations provided in these variables before looking
in the default location.
Note See “Specifying Location of the License File” in Chapter 2, “License
File Basics,” of the FLEXnet Licensing End User Guide.
Co-existing with earlier versions of SySAM
Replication Server version 15.0 uses a newer version of the SySAM licensing
technology and an updated license format. On any machine, you can have only
one instance of a license server running. You must make some adjustments to
use earlier versions of Sybase products with Replication Server 15.0.
Case 1: If you are using a central network server for Replication Server 15.0,
and a network license server-based SySAM license for earlier versions of the
product, migrate to Replication Server version 15.0:
1 Update the network license software with the version provided in
Replication Server 15.0. Use the instructions in “Setting up a network
license server” on page 5.
2 Copy the earlier license files (typically, a single file named license.dat)
into the new $SYBASE/SYSAM-2_0/licenses directory and rename
license.dat to license.lic.