CHAPTER 2 Installing Replication Server
Installation Guide for UNIX 37
-is:log parameter creates an ERROR.log log file, and the -is:javaconsole
parameter causes errors to be written to the screen.
Note If you encounter errors during installation, check the installation log file
to see a record of the installation process. The log file is located in
If this is the first time you have installed a Sybase product on this machine,
InstallShield creates a Sybase installation directory. This directory contains the
support files for all Sybase products.
Uninstalling Sybase products
InstallShield includes an uninstall feature that removes the Sybase components
you have installed.
You can invoke the uninstall procedure using either GUI or console methods.
Sybase recommends that you use the GUI method.
Before uninstalling Sybase software, log on to your machine using an account
with administrator privileges. Then shut down Replication Server and all other
processes for the components you are uninstalling.
Note InstallShield removes only those files that were loaded from the
installation media. Some Sybase files, such as log and configuration files, are
left intact for administrative purposes. The installed or _jvmrep directories are
also not removed by InstallShield.
❖ Uninstalling in GUI mode
1 To uninstall the products in GUI mode, first source the SYBASE.csh or
SYBASE.sh as appropriate, then execute the following at the command
IBM AIX, HP-UX, and Solaris:
The Uninstaller window opens.
2 Click Next.