Line Input Channels
There are four (4) mono line input channels. Channel controls and processing blocks
described in the following sections are identical for each of the four inputs.
Line (Input) Gain
Line inputs provide gain settings to accommodate consumer and pro line level sources.
Each input channel gain block provides a mono long-throw fader for gain and attenuation.
Range for the control is -18 to +24 dB. Step resolution is 0.1 dB. Adjustments are made
using the slider or by entering the desired dB level directly into the indicator box.
Fader Handle
Gain Level
Clicking the fader handle or clicking within the fader area brings focus to the fader. The
input signal level can be adjusted using any of the following methods:
• Direct adjustment. Click and hold the fader handle, then drag it to the desired level in
0.1 dB steps.
• Click or tab to the fader handle, then <up arrow> or <down arrow> to the desired
level in 1 dB steps. <Page Up> and <Page Down> increases or decreases level in 10 dB
• Click in or tab to the signal level readout field. Type a new value, then press <Enter>
or <Tab> to another area.
DMP 44 LC • Operation 16