
In order to understand how the mix-points work, the following figures provide examples
of mixes.
In the first example figure below, input audio from mic input 1 is processed and arrives at
the mix-point. Double-clicking on the mix-point opens the dialog box. When the Mute
button is released (not red) on input 1 of the mix-point, the mix-point turns teal with a
light green circle to indicate the open mix-point dialog box is the focus, and the signal is
routed to output 1.
Figure 19. Input 1 to Output 1
In the next example figure below, input audio from all four line inputs is processed
individually and arrives at the mix-point. When the individual mix-point mute buttons are
released, the mix-point turns teal to indicate the routing, and all four signals are routed to
output 1. Open the individual mix-point dialog boxes to adjust signal levels to the output.
Figure 20. All Inputs to Output 1
DMP 44 LC • Operation 36