Configuration Tab
System Settings Page
Click the Configuration tab to download the System Settings page (see figure 64).
The screen consists of fields to view and edit IP administration and system settings.
Passwords and Firmware Upgrade pages are accessed by clicking the appropriate
link on the left. For basic information about IP addresses and subnetting, see
Ethernet (LAN) Port on page93.
Figure 64. System Settings Page
On password-protected connections, there are two levels of protection: administrator and
user. Administrators have full access to the Passwords and Firmware Upgrade pages.
Users have view only access.
• Ethernet connection to the device, either entering SIS commands (see SIS
Programming and Control on page92), or using the Extron DSPConfigurator
Program (see DMPSoftware on page14), is password-protected.
• Connection via any RS-232 port is not password-protected.
IP Settings Fields
The IP settings fields provide a location for viewing and editing settings unique to the
Ethernet interface. After editing any of the settings on this page, click the Submit button
at the bottom of the section to make the changes.
Unit Name Field
The Unit Name field contains the name of the device. This name field can be changed to
any valid name, up to 24 alphanumeric characters.
NOTE: The following characters are invalid in the matrix name:
+ ~ , @ = ‘ [ ] { } < > ’ " ; : > \ and ?.
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