DMP64 Hardware Reset Modes
DMP64 Reset Mode Summary
Mode Mode Activation Result Purpose/Notes
Use Factory Firmware
Press and hold the reset button, then
apply power.
NOTE: After a mode 1 reset, update the
DMP64 firmware to the latest version.
DO NOT operate the firmware version
that results from this mode reset.
The DMP64 reverts to the factory
default firmware.
Event scripting does not start if
the DMP64 is powered on in this
mode. All user files and settings
(drivers, adjustments, IP settings) are
NOTE: If you do not want to update the
firmware, or perform a mode1 reset by
mistake, cycle power to the DMP64 to
return to the firmware version running
prior to the reset.
This mode reverts to the
factory default firmware
version if incompatibilty
issus arise with user-loaded
NOTE: User-defined web
pages may not work
correctly if using an earlier
firmware version.
With the power on, press and hold the
reset button until the Power LED blinks
once (3sec.), then release and within
1 second press reset momentarily
Mode 3 toggles events on or off. Front
panel level indicators blink twice to
indicate events has toggled on, or three
times to indicate event logging has
toggled off.
Useful for troubleshooting
NOTE: Nothings happens if the
momentary press does not occur within
1 second.
Reset all
IP Settings
With power on, press and hold the
reset button for about 6sec. until the
Power LED blinks twice (once at 3 sec.,
again at 6 sec.), then release and within
1 second press reset momentarily
NOTE: Nothings happens if the
momentary press does not occur within
1 second.
Mode 4:
• Enables ARP capability.
• Set the IP address to default.
• Sets the subnet to default.
• Sets the gateway address to
• Sets port mapping back to default.
• Turns DHCP off.
• Turns events off.
Enables resetting IP address
information using ARP and
MAC address.
Reset to
Factory Defaults
With power on, press and hold the
reset button for about 9 sec. until the
Power LED blinks three times (once at
3 sec., again at 6 sec., again at 9 sec.),
then release and within 1 second press
Reset momentarily (<1sec.).
NOTE: Nothing happens if the
momentary press does not occur within
1 second.
Mode 5 performs a complete reset
to factory defaults, except for
• Does everything mode 4 reset does.
• All mix-points mutee and set to
• All outputs unmuted and set to
• DSP Processing returned to
defaults and bypassed.
• All inputs muted and set to 0dB.
• All presets and group master
memory cleared.
Useful to start over with
configuration or uploading, or
to restart events.
DMP64 • Reference Information 138