
Everything Seems To Be Working, But No Image
Remove the cover from your PC and reset all the cards into the Mother board. Sometimes
when you move your PC, cards inside the PC work themselves loose.
Data Clocking/Output Signals
Verify the presence of all data clocking and output signals.
Horizontal Lines or Patterns in Output
To eliminate this type of problem use a DC light source.
No Output Or Non Specification Output
If your camera has no output or is putting out an unspecified signal unkown to you. Check the
length of your cable. If it is unnecessarily too long, and is also not shielded, your cable most likely
is picking up radiated noise and is inputting the noise into your camera.
Vertical Patterns in Output
Sometimes you might see patterns in your output. Most likely these are caused by dirt on
your lens or possibly contaminants on the sensor window. Clean both to remove all
Images are too Bright or too Dark
The causes to this problem should be obvious, but many times are overlooked. If your
image that you have captured is too dark or light, then experiment with the lens aperture.
Sometimes if you lengthen or shorten the exposure time this will effect your image.
Remember your camera control command “CPG”. This command allows you to either
increase or decrease pixel gain, which can have a dramatic impact on your image.
Lastly, don’t forget to check your lighting.
Images Look Noisy
There are several things that can cause this condition. Remember our camera command “CPG”.
Work with this command. Try increasing and decreasing pixel gain until you find the right setting.
Look for an increase in dark current. If the ambient temp. increases this will cause noise in the
Look at your light source. If your light source is AC instead of DC this will make the image look
noisy. Also if the object you are inspecting has different surface textures this could produce an
image that may look noisy.
Bits That Do Not Change Value
If you see that data bits are not changing values, after you have changed them, then the first thing
to check is that the camera is not saturated by preventing light from entering. Next, disconnect the
Camera Link cable from the camera. Check the digital signals at the output of the camera,
ensuring that the correct values and signals are present.
Fairchild Imaging • CAM/CMOS-2K.LS Line Scan Camera User’s Manual • Rev C• 34 of 42