Introduction to the CAM/CMOS-2K.LS
Ultra-High Performance Line Scan Camera
1.1 Camera Highlights
The OWL CMOS Line Scan Camera is an ultra-sensitive camera for use in line scan applications
that demand high performance under low light conditions. The camera is based upon a 2K CMOS
linear sensor that utilizes an active reset technology to obtain high performance in low light
applications while operating at very high data rates. Two versions of this camera are available.
RDI (Read During Integration) mode runs at line rates up to 38 KHz.
Read noise for this version is ~9e- (<5.7DN in 12 bit data).
MRDI (Multiple Read During Integrate) mode has a maximum read noise
of 0.4e- at a maximum line rate of 2.9KHz.
The CMOS linear sensor that is used in this camera has a unique feature that allows gain
selectability at the pixel level. The gain of each pixel can be switched between high or low gain. In
the high gain mode, the noise is minimized, while in the low gain mode, the dynamic range is
The 12-bit output of this camera line utilizes CameraLink and will provide data at 80 MHz (40 MHz
per output). The camera offers features such as anti-blooming and programmable gain and offset.
It is packaged in a very compacted and rugged housing that contains a standard M58 x 0.75 base
lens thread. Optional (Nikon F or C Mount) lens adapters are available.
• Simple menu-based configuration for selection of gain, calibration, test patterns operational
control, and diagnostics.
• CameraLink
camera-PC communications.
• Programmable gain, offsets, and controls
• Internal flat field correction
• Easy integration “plug compatible” Camera Link
• Exposure control
Fairchild Imaging • CAM/CMOS-2K.LS Line Scan Camera User’s Manual • Rev C• 6 of 42