www.rletech.com 31 970.484.6510
3 F3400/F1000 Web Interface Data History
Figure 3.6
Example of the Data History Page
Data History provides an intermediate page to assist in navigating to the desired data. Only
points configured as analog 4-20mA and thermistor are shown.
The Data History Text Downloads link allows the Alarm History Log to be downloaded as
a text (.txt) file and the Minute, Hour and Day logs to be downloaded as a comma separated
variable (.csv) file. Minute, Hour, and Day View
Figure 3.7
Day View Example
The Minute, Hour, and Day links on the Data History page display the detailed information
the F3400/F1000 records in its logs. The Minute log displays the high, low and average values
per minute for the last 60 minutes. The Hour log displays the high, low and average values per
hour for the last 24 hours. The Day log displays the high, low and average values per day for
the last seven (7) days. These values can be downloaded to a comma separated variable (.csv)
file via the Data History Text Downloads button.