www.rletech.com 57 970.484.6510
4 Configuration Menu
F3400/F1000’s webpages over a dial-up connection. The remote PC’s dial-up settings should
be set to “Obtain an IP Address Automatically”.
Note Changes will not go into effect until the Submit Changes button is clicked.
4.16. User Administration (Web Access)
Figure 4.22
User Administration Configuration
The User Administration (Web Access) page allows the administrator to configure eight
separate accounts, usernames, passwords and privileges for Web access accounts.
Read-Only privileges allow the user to view the Main Menu page, Keypad Access History,
Alarm History, Event History, Digital Data History, Identity, Relay Status, Relay Control
and URL Links pages. The Configuration page cannot be viewed or changed by a Read-Only
user. A Read-Only user can acknowledge alarms by entering their acknowledge code at the
bottom of the Alarm History page. A Read-Only user can activate button controlled relay
outputs through the Relay Control page. A Read-Only user cannot change any settings.
Read-Write privileges allow the user to have full access to all pages (viewing and changing)
except the User Administration (Web Access) page shown above.
Administrator privileges allow the user to have full access to all pages including the User
Administration (Web Access) page shown above.
Note Changes will not go into effect until the Submit Changes button is clicked.