Source options
The following table summarises the source options:
Option Values Description
The source is: in use, not in use Whether the source is enabled.
Audio input: D1-D12, MD1-MD2, O1-O5, A1-A8,
MA1, Last Valid*
The audio input used for the source; digital, multichannel
digital, optical, tuner, analogue, or multichannel analogue.
Source name: Any name of up to five characters.
Trigger #1: High, Low Trigger outputs for the source.
Trigger #2: High, Low Trigger outputs for the source.
Trigger #3: High, Low Trigger outputs for the source.
Comms Type: CD 1C, Tuner 2C, DVD 3C, 4C-8C,
No Comms NC
Set to NC unless the source is a Meridian product.
Comms Address: 1A-8A Allows you to have up to eight of each source type.
*Last Valid leaves the input set to the last input you selected.
Configuring the
digital surround