
Standard parameters
All DSP presets (except Mono and Direct) provide the following
standard parameters.
Individual DSP presets provide additional parameters, to allow you
to adjust specific features provided by that preset. For full details
refer to information about each preset later in this chapter.
Parameter Range Default What it changes
Treble* -10dB to +10dB +0dB The slope of the frequency response.
Bass* -5dB to +5dB +0dB The bass response.
Phase* + or - + The phase of all loudspeakers.
Axis† -2 to +3 -1 The vertical balance.
Balance <10 to 10> <0> The L-R balance.
HS Output?* Y or N Y Select Y for high-rate audio, upsampled if necessary. Select N for
standard-rate audio, downsampled if necessary.
Centre -3.0dB to +3.0dB +0.0dB The level of the centre.
Depth -2.5ms to +5.0ms +0.0ms The delay of the centre.
Rear -30dB to +10dB +0dB The level of the rears.
Sides -30dB to +10dB +0dB The level of the sides.
R Delay 0ms to 30ms Varies The delay of the rears.
S Delay 0ms to 30ms Varies The delay of the sides.
LipSync 0ms to 30ms 0ms The sync. delay.
*These parameters apply to all DSP presets.
†Axis is only available with Meridian DSP loudspeakers.
DSP presets