
FS-8700-41 Simplex 4100 Driver Manual Page 18 of 58
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web:www.fieldserver.com
Tel: (408) 262-2299 Fax: (408) 262-2296 Toll_Free: 888-509-1970 email: support@fieldserver.com
Set this to zero for xpoint
When used with an Xpoint MapDesc this parameter
means ‘How many sub-points per point ?’
If the value is 10 then the driver uses 10 array locations
for each point. Thus
Point 0: Array locations 0-9
Point 1: Array location 10-19
Point 2: Array locations 20-29 …
Thus for this MapDesc. If the Xpoint message is for 1-1-0
then the state will be stored at location 10.
. If the Xpoint message is for 1-2-5 then the state will be
stored at location 25.
4.5.6. Map Descriptor Example 2. - Use unsolicited messages from the Panel to determine point
This Map Descriptor can be used to store point status data when the FieldServer receives an unsolicited message from the Panel
containing point status information (Xpoint messages). The panel sends an Xpoint message each time a point’s status changes to
any non-normal state. Using these Map Descriptors will ensure that the FieldServer is constantly updated with the latest panel status
information. The Map Descriptor’s are passive so they can be used in a joint strategy with the clist function (section 4.4.1) to keep
track of a point’s status. Notes in Appendix A provide more information
One Xpoint Map Descriptor is required for storage of Xpoint messages from each card. For a given card, the driver uses a mapping
function based on the point-subpoint address to determine the array location to store the state for the c-p-s.
Map_Descriptor_Name, Data_Array_Name, Data_Array_Offset, Function, Node_Name, sim4100_func, sim4100_card, sim4100_point, sim4100_sub, Length
A1 DA_AI3, 0 passive, Node_A, xpoint, 1, 0, 10, 1000
The Data
extracted from the
device is placed in
this driver
independent data
Must be passive
Driver stores
data from
Simplex Device: Card
All point-subpoint data
for this card are stored
using this MapDesc.