FS-8700-41 Simplex 4100 Driver Manual Page 36 of 58
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Appendix A.16. Advanced Map Descriptor Example 7 - Acknowledge a specific point
The ackall function can be used to ack all points or all points that are in a particular state. What about if you wish to send an ack
message for a single point. One Map Descriptor is required for each c-p-s combination you require specific acknowledgements for.
The driver checks the array location corresponding to the Map Descriptor. If the value is non-zero then an ack message is sent. The
value is used to determine what kind of ack is sent. As the function is wrbx, the message is only sent when the value is updated.
Bit 0: F - Fire Alarm Panel
Bit 1: P - Priority 2 alarm state
Bit 2: T - Trouble State
Bit 3: S - Supervisory State
Bit 4: U - Utility Monitor
Bit 5: C - Control State
Bit 6: D - Disable Trouble State
Bit 7: A - Primary Point
Map_Descriptor_Name, Data_Array_Name, Data_Array_Offset, Function, Node_Name, Length, Scan_Interval sim4100_Func Sim4100_Card, Sim4100_Point, Sim4100_Sub Length
Ack_mapdesc1, DA_ACK, 0, Wrbx, Node_A, 1, 1.0s, Ack, 1, 2, 3, 1
Ack_Mapdesc2, DA_ACK, 1, wrbx, Node_A, 1, 1.0s, Ack, 1, 2, 4, 1