FS-8700-102 Honeywell Zellweger IR-148-8_8-Channel Manual Page 13 of 19
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web:www.fieldServer.com
Tel: (408) 262-2299 Fax: (408) 262-9042 Toll_Free: 888-509-1970 email: support@fieldServer.com
5.3.3. Map Descriptor Example 1 Server using Data Array:
The following Map Descriptor enables this Driver to send data for all 8 sensors to the Node (DEV1) connected at the FieldServer.
See Appendix A for the Data Array format.
The Driver can send Gas value messages, Alarm messages, Trouble messages and lock point messages. The driver can also be
locked to send data for only one particular sensor. In this example, if a valid (1-8) sensor number is inserted at offset 0 in the Data
Array DA_CTL_R1, the driver will only send data for that particular sensor. To disable the lock, insert an invalid (0 or >8) number.
// Server Side Map Descriptors
Map Descriptors
Map_Descriptor_Name, Data_Array_Name, Data_Array_Offset, Function, Node_Name, Length, Da_Byte_Name, Da_Byte_Oset
SMD1, DA_R1, 0, wrbc, DEV1, 100, DA_CTL_R1, 0
Driver will look
into this data
array to send
message to
Zellweger 8
Data Array
Offset which
indicates the
starting memory
location for the
Data to send
Node (DEV1).
This wrbc function
makes this Server
an Active Server.
This Server
sends data for
each sensor.
Server sends
data to this
Node connected
to FieldServer.
Length should
be sufficient to
allow Server
to store data
for all sensors
for a Node.
Name of Data
Array used to
lock sensor.
Driver will
report data for
locked sensor
The memory
location within
Data Array at
which user can
put the sensor
number to be