FS-8700-102 Honeywell Zellweger IR-148-8_8-Channel Manual Page 15 of 19
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Appendix A. Advanced Topics
Appendix A.1. Supported Functions at a glance
Message Types Notes
Gas Value Message Message reports a gas value and units.
Trouble Message Message reports a trouble for one sensor
Blank Message
Message used to flash Honeywell Zellweger
IR-148 display
Alarm Message
Message reports an alarm (C/W/A) for one
Locked Point Message Unit is locked onto a single sample.
Other 49 byte messages beginning 0xb1
Other 49 byte messages
Other messages
Discarded but driver report stats on these
messages see 0.
Appendix A.2. How Data is stored by the Driver.
The Driver can be configured to store data in one of two ways:
a) Default: One Set of consecutive Data Array elements is used for each Honeywell
Zellweger IR-148-8.8-Channel Unit. One set per point/sensor.
Contents Description
0 1
Alarm or
Set non-zero if alarm or a trouble has been reported. Set to
zero if neither are currently being reported.
1 Alarm Type
0 = None
1 = Caution
2 = Warning
3 = Alarm
2 1 Trouble
0 = None
1 = Trouble
3 1 Gas Value
Gas value multiplied by 100 is stored here. When stored, if
configured, scaling will be applied.
4 1 Gas Units
5 1 Gas Units
6 1 Gas Units
3 bytes of gas units are written here as ASCII characters.
7 1 State
0 = Enabled
1 = Disabled
8 1
Gas Value
1 = Gas Value updated with most recent message.
0 = Gas Value not updated.
9 1
Gas Value
In seconds since last update.
Initial (and max) value = 0xffff
10 1
Sensor Data
Time since last message containing data about this sensor.
In seconds since last update.
Initial (and max) value = 0xffff
11..21 2
22..32 3
33..43 4
44..54 5
55..65 6
66..76 7
77..87 8