64 FileMaker Pro Advanced Development Guide
Here are some general considerations for preparing solution files:
1 If desired, create a custom theme for all the layouts in your
database solution. See “Creating custom layout themes” on page 31
for information.
1 If you’re creating a solution that will have versions for Windows
and Mac OS X, test the different versions of the solution on their
respective platforms. For more information, see Help.
1 If you have used multiple files instead of multiple tables in a single
file, all files for your solution should be in the same folder before
being bound into a runtime solution. If it is not practical to keep all
files in one folder, be sure to include a file reference to each file that
is just the filename. See
“Checking file references” on page 67.
1 Make sure to specify every file that’s related to the solution, so that
if you modify filenames all file references will be updated.
1 If you have used multiple database files, decide which file will be
the primary file that users open first. The primary file stores the
custom settings. Use this file for navigation buttons or scripts to other
auxiliary files, an About layout, a custom Help layout or file, and to
quit the application.
1 Create scripts and buttons for users to navigate from the primary
file to auxiliary files and layouts in the solution. See “Using scripts
and buttons to control your solution” on page 18.
1 Create documentation about your database solution. See
“Providing user documentation” on page 79.
1 Although the Developer Utilities use a copy of a file instead of the
original, it’s always a good idea to make a backup copy of your
original files before beginning.
Modifying database solution files
Use the Developer Utilities to produce a new set of database files, to
customize them, or to create a runtime database solution.
Note You must convert database files from versions of FileMaker Pro
earlier than 7.0 before you can use them with the Developer Utilities.
For more information about converting files, see the conversion
information in the
FileMaker Pro User’s Guide.
To use the Developer Utilities:
1. Close all of your database files that you are going to customize.
2. Choose Tools menu > Developer Utilities.
3. If you have used the Developer Utilities on the same database
solution before and saved your settings, click
Load Settings.
A Select a file dialog box opens so that you can browse to find your
settings file. See
“Saving and reusing Developer Utilities settings” on
page 71.
4. Click Add to locate the files that you want to customize.
5. When you have added all the files that you want to customize, do
one or more of the following:
To Do this
Select the primary file Double-click the file in the list.
Rename a file Select the file in the list, type the new name in the
Rename file box, and click Change.
Note Do not type a filename extension. See “Choosing
filenames for runtime database solutions” on page 69.
Remove a file Select the file in the list and click Remove.