Chapter 7
Using the Developer Utilities 65
6. Under Project Folder, click Specify to choose the location in which
the copy of the database solution will be saved.
7. In the Choose a folder for this project’s files dialog box, select or
create a folder and click
OK (Windows) or Choose (Mac OS X).
8. If you do not want the new files to overwrite earlier versions of
them, clear the
Overwrite matching files within the Project Folder
Important If Overwrite matching files within the Project Folder is selected,
the Developer Utilities will overwrite files with the same names as
those in the list of files.
9. Do one of the following:
1 To customize your database files or bind the files to a runtime
solution, under Solution Options click Specify.
1 To create a copy of your database files with new names, skip to
10. In the Specify Solution Options dialog box, select one or more
11. Click OK.
Specify Solution Options dialog box
To Do this
Bind databases to
runtime applications
Choose Create Runtime solution application(s)
See “Binding databases into runtime database solutions”
on page 68.
Note This option can be combined with all others,
except Databases must have a FileMaker file extension.
Permanently prohibit
any administrative
access to your solution
Choose Remove admin access from files permanently
See “Removing full access privileges from databases”
on page 73.
Important Once removed, administrative access cannot
be restored to the custom solution.
Force accounts
without full access
privileges to open
your solution in Kiosk
Choose Enable Kiosk mode for non-admin accounts
See “About Kiosk mode” on page 16.
Add the FileMaker
extension to the
filenames of database
Choose Databases must have a FileMaker file extension
Note This option is not available if you select Create
Runtime solution application(s). You can use this feature to
add extensions to files that do not have extensions.
Create a log file to
record any errors
encountered during
Choose Create Error log for any processing errors
See “Creating an error log” in the next section.