Page 23
Advanced Operation
4. Click APPLY. Click OK in the confirmation window.
Alarm Inputs:
Alarm inputs are devices or switches that activate when a door, window, cabinet etc. is opened or accessed. For example,
you might want to only have the camera record when someone opens a tool cabinet or when a door opens vs. recording when
motion occurs around those areas. There may be people moving by those areas frequently but you are only concerned about
when those areas are accessed. This saves hard drive space and makes it easier to find an event that was recorded to the
hard drive.
To configure alarm inputs for devices without their own voltage you
will use the +12V input supplied on the alarm block. See Alarm Inputs
Configuration diagram at the right.
Note: If Alarm Input Device has its own power supply make sure:
1. Voltage rating is between 6V and 12V. Do not use the +12V
connection on the Alarm Block.
2. Ground must be connected to GND in Alarm Block for device to
operate properly
When an alarm is triggered, in the Live View Screen you will see a
red【I】in the Channel with an alarm input warning. You may also
see a【R】if you set up the channel to record when an alarm is
Alarm Ouput:
Alarm output is used to activate an external device such as a
horn or light after an alarm is triggered. To do this the DVR uses a
dry contact normally open relay. This DVR has two sets of alarm
outputs: COM1/NO1 and COM2/NO2. To configure alarm outputs,
connect the external device to the NO (Normally Open) and COM
(Common) connections on the alarm block as required by the device. See
table for Alarm Block Voltage. The maximum contact rating is 3A 24VDC. Note:
ALARM MANAGE settings work the same on both outputs. Alarm inputs 1 and
2 activate alarm output COM1/NO1. Alarm inputs 3 and 4 activate alarm output
E-mail Setup:
The system can send an e-mail notification with a JPEG snapshot for triggered
events on the system. Please consult your e-mail provider for information to enter
in this screen. To setup e-mail notification:
1. Under EMAIL, select ON.
2. Under SSL, select OFF. NOTE: SSL deals with encryption. Only advanced
users should enable this option.
3. Under SMTP PORT, enter the SMTP port of your e-mail server.
4. Under SMTP, enter the SMTP address of your e-mail server. For example,
5. Under SEND EMAIL, enter the sender e-mail address.
6. Under SEND PW, enter the password of your e-mail server.
7. Under RECV EMAIL, enter the e-mail address that will receive the e-mail
8. INTERVAL: Set from 3 -240 minutes
9. SET EMAIL CC: Add up to six Carbon Copy e-mail addresses.
10. Click APPLY. Click OK in the REMARK window.
E-mail Tip
Depending upon your settings, the system can generate a lot
of e-mail alerts. For that reason, we recommend setting up a
dedicated e-mail address specifically for the Security System
alert notices. Also to better manage your alerts, you will want
the alert e-mails to go to a different account than the one sending them.
From NO or NC depending on
setup selected to alarm
inputs 1 through 4
Example Device:
Door Sensor
Use +12V from
Alarm Block
Alarm Inputs Conguration
(for devices without voltage)
Note: If Alarm Input Device has its own power supply make sure:
1) Voltage rating is between 6V and 24V. The +12V input is not used on Alarm Block.
2) Ground must be connected to GND in Alarm Block for device to operate properly
+ 12V
E-mail Setup Screen
Alarm Block Voltage
Max Switching Voltage
up to 24VDC
Max Switching Current
up to3A
E-mail Carbon Copy Setup