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Question: Why is there no audio during playback?
• Audio settings not correct: open audio-video item and check the audio to see if it is closed in playback interface
Question: Why is my system time not correct?
• Wrong setting or user did not click “Edit” to confirm
• Circuit Board battery is not connected properly
• Circuit Board battery is dead. Please change.
Question: Why does the “Stop recording” function on the Quick Access Menu or Remote Control not work?
• The “Stop recording” by the right mouse button is for Manual Recording only. It can not stop recording when it is on a set
schedule or on motion recording. If you want to stop a scheduled recording, please make changes in the RECORD menu.
Question: Why is motion detection not working?
• The setting of motion detection area is not correct
• Sensitivity is too low
• Record SWITCH is turned off for that channel (RECORD Menu)
Question: Why do I have a USB device error?
• The data exceeds the capacity of backup device
• The backup device is incompatible
• The backup device is damaged
Question: Why does the Remote Control not work?
• The remote control is not for this DVR
• The distance of remote control is too far or the angle is too great
• Remote control batteries are dead or low
• Remote control is damaged or the receiver port on the front panel of DVR is damaged or blocked
Question: Why can’t I log in over the Internet?
• Please check the network to see if it is connected. Check if LINK or 100M LED is displayed normally on the panel; use ping
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx (DVR IP) to check if the Internet is linked properly.
• Make sure you are running Windows 7, Vista or XP operating system and Internet Explorer 6.0 - 8.0
• ActiveX control has been blocked. Please manually install ActiveX control again.
• Please install DX8.1 and upgrade your video card driver
Question: Why is there is no picture or picture is not clear when I preview the recording or playback the recording via
Internet Explorer?
• Please choose “WAN” in “web environment”
• Try opening and closing windows again by right clicking the mouse button
Question: Why am I receiving a message indicating “other members are setting......” when accessing my DVR settings
through Internet Explorer
• Someone else is setting the DVR or the Main Menu is open on the DVR. Close the DVR configuration interface or exit the DVR.
Question: Why do I get a message stating “Not Enough Resources” when I have not exceeded the 480 frame rate total
for NTSC recording?
• Although the chipset is the standard NTSC 480, part of the resources are used for other internal functions and cannot be al-
located to recording resources. A frame rate of 420 fps is the maximum that can be allocated.