Detailed Accuracy Specifications
Detailed Accuracy Specifications
Accuracy is specified for a period of one year after calibration, at 18 °C to 28 °C (64 °F to 82 °F), with relative humidity to 90
%. Accuracy specifications are given as:
± ( [ % of reading ] + [ number of least significant digits ] )
AC mV, AC V, AC µA, AC mA, and AC A specifications are ac coupled, true rms and are valid from 5 % of range to
100 % of range. AC crest factor can be up to 3.0 at full-scale, 6.0 at half-scale except the 3000 mV and 1000 V ranges
where it is 1.5 at full scale, 3.0 at half-scale.
Function Range Resolution 45 Hz-1 kHz 20-45 Hz 1 kHz-10 kHz 10 kHz-20 kHz 20 kHz-100 kHz
1, 2
50.000 mV 0.001 mV 0.4 % + 40 2 % + 80 5 % + 40 5.5 % + 40 15 % + 40
500.00 mV 0.01 mV 0.4 % + 40 2 % + 80 5 % + 40 5.5 % + 40 8 % + 40
3000.0 mV 0.1 mV 0.4 % + 40 2 % + 80 0.4 % + 40 1.5 % + 40 8 % + 40
1, 2
5.0000 V 0.0001 V 0.4 % + 40 2 % + 80 0.4 % + 40 1.5 % + 40 8 % + 40
50.000 V 0.001 V 0.4 % + 40 2 % + 80 0.4 % + 40 1.5 % + 40 8 % + 40
500.00 V 0.01 V 0.4 % + 40 2 % + 80 0.4 % + 40 Not specified Not specified
1000.0 V 0.1 V 0.4 % + 40 2 % + 80 0.4 % + 40 Not specified Not specified
dBV −52 to −6 0.01 dB 0.1 dB 0.2 dB 0.5 dB 0.5 dB 1.4 dB
−6 to +34 0.01 dB 0.1 dB 0.2 dB 0.1 dB 0.2 dB 0.8 dB
+34 to +60 0.01 dB 0.1 dB 0.2 dB 0.1 dB Not specified Not specified
1. For the 5,000 count mode, divide the number of least significant digits (counts) by 10.
2. A residual reading of 8 to 180 digits with leads shorted, will not affect stated accuracy above 5 % of range.