Model 187 & 189
Users Manual
Function Range Resolution Accuracy
Frequency 500.00 Hz 0.01 Hz
± (0.0050 % + 1)
5.0000 kHz 0.0001 kHz
50.000 kHz 0.001 kHz
999.99 kHz 0.01 kHz
Duty Cycle 10.00% to 90.00 % 0.01 % ± ((voltage range/input voltage) X 300 counts)
Pulse Width 499.99 ms 0.01 ms ± (3 % X (voltage range/input voltage) + 1 count)
999.9 ms 0.1 ms
Temperature −200 to +1350 °C0.1 °C ± ( 1% of reading + 1 °C)
−328 to +2462 °F0.1 °F ± ( 1% of reading + 1.8 °F)
MIN MAX AVG Response: 100 ms to 80 % Specified accuracy ± 12 counts for changes > 200 ms
in duration. (± 40 counts in AC for changes > 350 ms
and inputs > 25 % of range)
FAST MN MX 250 µs
Specified accuracy ±100 counts up to 5,000 count (full
range) reading. For higher peak readings (to 20,000
counts), specified accuracy ± 2% of reading.
1. Reading will be 0.00 for signals below 0.5 Hz.
2. Accuracy specification is relative to the user-adjustable temperature offset, and assumes ambient temperature stable to ± 1 °C.
3. For ambient temperature changes of ± 5 °C, rated accuracy applies after 1 hour.
4. For repetitive peaks; 2.5 ms for single events. Use DC function settings below 20 Hz. 50 mV range not specified.
5. Frequency greater than 5 Hz, except for VDC, 500 mVDC and 3000 mVDC functions; 0.5 Hz to 1 kHz. Signals centered around
trigger levels.
6. Range/input ratios also apply to current functions. 500 counts or 5 % for 10 A ranges.