
International Guarantee
The information given on this page will remain confidential.
For the validation of the Focal guarantee, please send back this sheet within 10 days
to the following address :
Focal-JMlab - BP 374 - 108, rue de l’Avenir - 42353 La Talaudière cedex - FRANCE
Your Focal product:
Model: Serial number:
Dealer’s name: City:
Date of your purchase: Price of your purchase:
Did you leave the product installation to your dealer’s care?
- Yes - No
If not, why?
Your choice for the purchase of this Focal model was made according to:
- Dealer‘s advice - Friend’s or family’s advice
- Visiting an exhibition/a show - Quality-price ratio
- Sound quality/listening room - Already own Focal products
- Reliability/manufacturing quality - Catalogues
- Design/Finish - French product
- Article in the press (if yes, specify the title of the
- Other :
Your audio/video equipment (brands and models) before the acquisition of Focal products:
CD player/tuner: Multimedia player:
Navigation system: Amplifier:
Speakers: Enclosure/subwoofer:
Other elements:
Your hobbies:
At home, do you own Hi-Fi loudspeakers?
- Yes - No
If yes, specify the brand:
Do you read the press?
- Yes - No
If yes, which magazine(s)?
About yourself:
Your name: Your age: Your job:
Your full address:
Your e-mail address:
notice coaxiaux access 1 11 5/02/07, 9:43:00