Fig. A : mounting Access speakers in factory locations without grille (570 CA1).
Fig. B : mounting Access speakers using the supplied grilles.
Choice of installation and positioning of speakers
To achieve the best results for your installation, please follow
these simple guidelines:
• Speakers must be positioned in the far front of the car for a
correct sound stage.
• You can also install Access coaxial speakers at the rear of the
vehicle (rear parcel shelf or left and right quarters). In that
case, the left and right speakers should always be positioned
far apart from each other, and in the front of the parcel shelf
(close to the rear seats). If installed in the rear parcel shelf, the
speakers must be fixed rigidly in place. If holes are to be cut
into the parcel shelf, ensure it is still strong enough to accept
the speakers. The panel must remain strong, rigid and free
from any vibrations. If the parcel shelf is flexible, a possible
acoustic short-circuit may occur and drastically decrease the
speaker performance.
Orientation of the tweeter
The tweeter includes a rotary and adjustable tilt mechanism, that gives the user a huge advantage
in deciding the position the tweeter points, ultimately changing the strength of the high frequencies
Carefully turn the tweeter into position and make sure that it is directly in line with the listener’s ears.
(See drawing)
Different attempts will have to be made in order to:
• obtain the perfect setting that suits you
• optimize the sound stage.
User Manual
notice coaxiaux access 1 2 5/02/07, 9:42:58