331 area nssa translator-stab-intv
This command configures the translator stability interval of the NSSA. The <stabilityinterval>
is the period of time that an elected translator continues to perform its duties after it
determines that its translator status has been deposed by another router.
area <areaid> nssa translator-stab-intv <0-3600>
<areaid> - Area ID.
<0-3600> - The range is 0 to 3600.
Default Setting
Command Mode
Router OSPF Config area range
This command creates a specified area range for a specified NSSA.
area <areaid> range <ipaddr> <subnetmask> {summarylink | nssaexternallink} [advertise
| not-advertise]
no area <areaid> range <ipaddr> <subnetmask>
<areaid> - Area ID.
<ipaddr> - IP Address.
<subnetmask> - The subnetmask.
summarylink - The lsdb type. The value is summarylink or nssaexternallink
nssaexternallink - The lsdb type. The value is summarylink or nssaexternallink
advertise - Allow advertising the specified area range.
not-advertise - Disallow advertising the specified area range.
<no> - This command deletes a specified area range.
Default Setting
Command Mode