
Class Selector - Along with an option to create a new class, this lists all the existing DiffServ class
names, from which one can be selected. The content of this screen varies based on the selection of this
field. If an existing class is selected then the screen will display the configured class. If '--create--' is
selected, another screen appears to facilitate creation of a new class. The default is the first class
created. If no classes exist, the default is '--create--'.
Class Type - This lists all the platform supported DiffServ class types from which one can be selected.
Possible options are 'all', 'any', or 'acl'. If 'acl' is (supported and) selected, then an access list (ACL)
number is required which is an integer specifying an existing ACL. Only when a new class is created, is
this field a selector field. After class creation this becomes a non-configurable field displaying the
configured class type.
Class Match Selector - This lists all match criteria from which one can be selected to be added to a
specified class. The match criterion 'Every' denotes that every packet is considered to match the
specified class and no additional input information is needed. The content of this drop down list varies for
a specified class based on the selection of the match criterion 'Reference Class':
If the specified class does not reference any other class, the 'Reference Class' match criterion is
included in the drop down match criteria list. A class reference can be established by selecting
'Reference Class' and invoking the 'Add Match Criteria' button.
If the specified class references another class, the 'Reference Class' match criterion is not included in
the drop down match criteria list. This prevents the user from trying to add yet another class reference,
since a specified class can reference at most one other class of the same type. Moreover, a 'Remove
Class Reference' button appears on the screen that can be invoked to remove the current class
Configurable Data
Class Name - This is a case-sensitive alphanumeric string from 1 to 31 characters uniquely identifying a
class. Class name 'default' is reserved and must not be used.
Non-Configurable Data
Class Type - Displays type of the configured class as 'all', 'any', or 'acl'. Only when a new class is
created, is this field a selector field. After class creation this becomes a non-configurable field.
Match Criteria - Displays the configured match criteria for the specified class.
Values - Displays the values of the configured match criteria.
Viewing DiffServ Class Summary Page
Non-Configurable Data
Class Name - Displays names of the configured DiffServ classes.