4 Broadcom Gigabit Ethernet Teaming Services 119
Broadcom Gigabit Ethernet
Teaming Services
This chapter explains the technology and considerations when working with the
network teaming services.
4.1 Broadcom Gigabit Ethernet Overview
The goal of Broadcom teaming services is to provide fault tolerance and link aggregation across a
team of two or more adapters. The information in this manual is provided to assist IT professionals
during the deployment and troubleshooting of system applications that require network fault
tolerance and load balancing.
4.2 Glossary
Item Definition
ARP Address Resolution Protocol
BACS Broadcom Advanced Control Suite
BASP Broadcom Advanced Server Program (intermediate driver)
DNS Domain Name Service
G-ARP Gratuitous Address Resolution Protocol
Generic Trunking
Switch-dependent load balancing and failover type of team in which the
intermediate driver manages outgoing traffic and the switch manages
incoming traffic.
HSRP Hot Standby Router Protocol
ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol
IGMP Internet Group Management Protocol
IP Internet Protocol
LACP Link Aggregation Control Protocol
Link Aggregation
Switch-dependent load balancing and failover type of team with LACP in
which the intermediate driver manages outgoing traffic and the switch
manages incoming traffic.
LOM LAN on Motherboard
MAC Media Access Control
NDIS Network Driver Interface Specification
NLB Network Load Balancing (Microsoft)