4 Broadcom Gigabit Ethernet Teaming Services 151
4.9 Event Log Messages
4.9.1 Windows System Event Log messages
The known base and intermediate Windows System Event Log status messages for this product are
listed in "4.9.2 Base Driver (Physical Adapter/Miniport)" (
Jpg.151) and "4.9.3 Intermediate Driver
(Virtual Adapter/Team)" (
Jpg.153). As a Broadcom adapter driver loads, Windows places a status
code in the system event viewer. There may be up to two classes of entries for these event codes
depending on whether both drivers are loaded (one set for the base or miniport driver and one set for
the intermediate or teaming driver).
4.9.2 Base Driver (Physical Adapter/Miniport)
"• Base Driver Event Log Messages" (Jpg.151) lists the event log messages supported by the base
driver, explains the cause for the message, and provides the recommended action.
• Base Driver Event Log Messages
Message Cause Corrective Action
1 Failed to allocate memory
for the device block.
Check system memory
resource usage.
The driver cannot allocate
memory from the
operating system.
Close running applications
to free memory.
2 Failed to allocate map
The driver cannot allocate
map registers from the
operating system.
Unload other drivers that
may allocate map
3 Failed to access
configuration information.
Reinstall the network
The driver cannot access
PCI configuration space
registers on the adapter.
For add-in adapters: reseat
the adapter in the slot,
move the adapter to
another PCI slot, or
replace the adapter.
4 The network link is down.
Check to make sure the
network cable is properly
The adapter has lost its
connection with its link
Check that the network
cable is connected, verify
that the network cable is
the right type, and verify
that the link partner (for
example, switch or hub) is
working correctly.
5 The network link is up. The adapter has
established a link.
Informational message
No action is required.
6 Network controller
configured for 10Mb half-
duplex link.
The adapter has been
manually configured for
the selected line speed and
duplex settings.
Informational message
No action is required.