Parameter Value Description
Only flow control from the remote device
is allowed. Flow control from the local
device is not allowed.
Only flow control from the local device is
allowed. Flow control from the remote
device is not allowed.
Flow control is disabled.
fjgi_mtu 1500 (default) to 9000 (*3) MTU (byte) is specified.
On (default)
Auto-Negotiation is enabled. The
interface will not be able to communicate
with remote device operating in fixed
mode (Auto-Negotiation disabled).
When SE0X7GD1X, SE0X7GQ1X,
SE0X7GQ2X is used in 1000Mbps mode,
use this setting.
Auto-Negotiation is disabled. (Forced
Role_A (*4)
Auto (default)
Master or Slave is set based on
negotiation with the remote device. (This
is effective only when
AutoNegotiation_A= On.)
Communication by Master.
Slave Communication by Slave.
ReceiveTicks 0 to 1000 (*3)
(default: 77)
Time to wait for an interrupt for receiving
is specified (micro seconds). (*5)
TransmitTicks 0 to 1000 (*3)
(default: 500)
Time to wait for an interrupt for
transmitting is specified (micro seconds).
ReceiveMaxBD 1 to 500 (*3)
(default: 10)
The number of buffer descriptor to wait
for an interrupt for receiving is specified.
TransmitMaxBD 1 to 500 (*3)
(default: 128)
The number of buffer descriptor to wait
for an interrupt for transmitting is
specified. (*5)
*1: Parameter is supported on 10/100/1000Base-T (SE0X7GD1X, SE0X7GQ1X, SE0X7GQ2X) adapters only.
*2: Parameter is effective only when AutoNegotiation_A=On. When AutoNegotiation_A=Off, it becomes FlowControl_A=None.
*3: Specify the value as a decimal figure.
*4: Parameter is supported on 10/100/1000Base-T (SE0X7GD1X, SE0X7GQ1X, SE0X7GQ2X) adapters in 1000Mbps mode only.
*5: These ReceiveTicks, TransmitTicks, ReceiveMaxBD or TransmitMaxBD parameters are tuning parameters about the performance.
[Parameter Setting]
The following shows how to set the parent and unit-address parameters in the fjgi.conf file.
- Find the fjgi device tree, device node and instance number in the /etc/path_to_inst file.
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