Propertiy Status Meaning
_cardtype (*2) Read only
0: SX (SE0X7GD2X)
_Role_A (*2) Read and write
Role setting when operating at 1000Mbps. (used with SE0X7GD1X/
SE0X7GQ1X/SE0X7GQ2X only)
0: Slave
1: Master
2: Auto (default)
_ReceiveTicks (*2) Read and write
Time to wait for an interrupt for receiving is specified (micro
0 to 1000
(default: 77)
_TransmitTicks (*2) Read and write
Time to wait for an interrupt for transmitting is specified (micro
0 to 1000
(default: 500)
_ReceiveMaxBD (*2) Read and write
The number of buffer descriptor to wait for an interrupt for receiving
is specified.
1 to 500
(default: 10)
_TransmitMaxBD (*2) Read and write
The number of buffer descriptor to wait for an interrupt for
transmitting is specified.
1 to 500
(default: 128)
*1: It is necessary to inactivate a corresponding interface with the ifconfig(1M) command before JumboFrame has been enabled. Then
activate a corresponding interface with the ifconfig(1M) command after enabled.
*2: _cardtype, _Role_A, _ReceiveTicks, _TransmitTicks, _ReceiveMaxBD, _TransmitMaxBD are extended properties. These are not
displayed by dladm show-linkprop commend but can be set.
- Using Auto-Negotiation (the default setting) is recommended for speed, duplex, and flow control. When Auto-Negotiation is used,
the remote device should also be setup for Auto-Negotiation. Using Auto-Negotiation on both local and remotes devicesallows the
appropriate speed, duplex, and flow control to be set up automatically.
- HalfDuplex modes are not supported with the SE0X7GD2X.
- The SE0X7GD2X supports 1000Mbps operation only.
- When you use the dladm(1M) command to change the mode of operation, please set the same mode of operation on local and remote
devices. When the mode of operation is not the same between local and remote devices, link up may fail, a communication error may
occur (even if link is up), or the mode of operation may not be the same as specified.
- The default values of the tuning parameter which provide higher throughput are recommended for the most systems. Only when you
need a smaller latency for a specific use, change the values of the parameters. You need to check if the specified parameters provide
a suitable latency and throughput for your systems. When the values of these parameters are set small, the latency will be improved,
but the throughput will fall.
- If the dladm(1M) command is executed repeatedly, the fjgi driver's performance may decrease.
- The speed, duplex, autonego, and flowctrl propertiese values are valid only when state=1. If state=0, these values are invalid.
- After rebooting the system, the value set by dladm(1M) command remain effective.
- Operation mode setting using the dladm(1M) command becomes effective for each physical interface. Therefore, the operation modes
of the VLAN interface and IPv4/IPv6 interface are changed at the same time.
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