
5.16 Collecting and Exporting Audit Logs
fi-6010N Network Scanner Operator's Guide 289
5.16.3 File Format of Audit Logs
Audit log files are formatted as follows:
z Audit logs use the UTF-8 charset.
z Audit logs are in a CSV format.
z Audit logs contain the following output:
z Audit log (system)
This log contains the following output items:
These items are defined as follows:
(*): For details, refer to "4.9.2 Managing the System Log" (page 162).
"Sequence number","Date","Time","Type","Code","Message"
Log Item Description
A file sequence number between "1" and "4294967295".
This number increments from "1" as files are added, and
resets to "0" (indicating an overflow) after "4294967295".
Date Corresponds to the system log "Date". (*)
Time Corresponds to the system log "Time". (*)
Type Corresponds to the system log "Type". (*)
Code Detailed in "E.1.2 System Log Messages" (page 516).
Message Corresponds to the system log "Messages". (*)
Also refer to "E.1.2 System Log Messages" (page 516).