fi-6010N Network Scanner Operator's Guide 599
6A012002 Duplicate scanner name. Scanner
name: XXXX MAC address: XXXX IP
address: XXXX
Change the scanner name or delete
unneeded scanner data, and try
This error may occur when the
MAC address is changed in the
maintenance process. In this case,
delete scanner configuration data,
and re-start the scanner.
6A012003 Tried to exceed the scanner
registration limit.
Delete any unneeded scanner
configuration data.
6A012004 Tried to exceed the user roaming data
registration limit.
Delete any unneeded user roaming
7A013001 System update System_version
could not be released. Details: XXXX
Ensure that there is enough free
disk space available. Check that
there are no errors in the event
7A013002 Add-in install Add-in_name [Add-
in_group] could not be released.
Details: XXXX
7A013003 Scanner settings XXXX could not be
released. Details: XXXX
7A013004 Job Mode Settings could not be
released. Details: XXXX
7A013005 Update call for system update
System_version failed. Details:
Check the network status.
7A013006 Update call for Add-in install Add-
in_name [Add-in_group] failed.
Details: XXXX
7A013007 Update call for scanner settings
Settings_group failed. Details:
7A013008 Error notification e-mail could not be
sent. Details: XXXX
Check whether the SMTP server
set for the "Error Notification
Settings" on the "Central Admin
Server Settings" screen and its
network connection are working
Code Message Action