version -c xcp
Table 4-4
System configuration
Configuration Description
Single-chassis configuration Configuration in which a single SPARC M10-4 is used
Building block configuration Configuration in which 2 or more SPARC M10-4S's are
combined and used
Log in to the XSCF s hell.
Execute the version command to determine the firmware version information.
In the following example, "-c xcp" is entered to determine the overall XCP version.
4.3 Understanding Types of Maintenance
This section explains the types of maintenance.
The single-chassis configuration and building block configuration denote the
following system configurations.
There are the following five types of maintenance.
Active/hot maintenance
Maintenance work is performed while the physical partition remains turned on
and the input power to the chassis in which the target Field Replaceable Unit
(FRU) is mounted is on (power cord is connected). Active/hot maintenance can be
performed only on FRUs that have a redundant configuration or which support
PCI hot plugging (PHP).
Fujitsu M10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/SPARC M10-4/SPARC M10-4S Service Manual
December 201344