Waiting for BB#0 to enter install state.
[This operation may take up to 20 minute(s)]
(progress scale reported in seconds)
0..... 30.. done
Waiting for BB#0 to enter ready state.
[This operation may take up to 45 minute(s)]
(progress scale reported in seconds)
0..... 30..... 60..... done
Do you want to start to diagnose BB#0?[s:start|c:cancel] :
Diagnostic tests for BB#0 have started.
Initial diagnosis is about to start, Continue?[y|n] :
SB#00-0 power on sequence started.
0..... 30..... 60....end
Initial diagnosis started. [1800sec]
0..... 30..... 60..... 90.....120.....150.....180.....210.....240.....|
Initial diagnosis has completed.
SB power off sequence started. [1200sec]
0..... 30..... 60..... 90.....120....end
SB powered off.
PSB Test Fault
---- -- ----- ------ --
00-0 Pa ssed Normal
Maintenance/Replacement Menu
Status of the replaced FRU.
FRU Status
------------------- --------------
/BB#0 Normal
The replacement of BB#0 has completed normally.[f:finish] :
After co nfirming that the FRU to be diagn o sed is displayed, enter "s".
After co nfirming again that the FR U to be diagnosed i s displayed, e nter "y".
The following is displayed. Wait until the processing is complete.
Confirm th at the status is norm al ( " Normal") after d iagno sis, and then enter
When the maintenan ce menu appears, enter "c" to exit t he operation.
Fujitsu M10-4/Fujitsu M10-4S/SPARC M10-4/SPARC M10-4S Service Manual
December 201370