System Administration 87
NAME poweroff - turn off the power to the specified domain
SYNOPSIS poweroff [[-q] -{y|n}][-f][-M] -d domain_id
poweroff [[-q] -{y|n}] -a [-M]
poweroff -h
DESCRIPTION The poweroff(8) command turns off the power to the specified domain.
The command can turn off the power to the specified domain or to all domains.
After ordinary shutdown processing for the operating system is executed, the
power is turned off.
Privileges You must have one of the following privileges to run this command:
Refer to setprivileges(8) for more information.
OPTIONS The following options are supported:
■ When the command is executed, a prompt to confirm execution of the command
with the specified options is displayed. Enter "y" to execute the command or "n"
to cancel the command.
platadm, fieldeng Can run this command for all domains.
domainadm, domainmgr Can run this command only for your managed domains.
-a Turns off the power to all domains. Only users who have the
platadm and fieldeng privileges can specify this option.
-d domain_id Specifies the ID of the domain to be turned off. domain_id can be
0–23 depending on the system configuration.
-f Uses XSCF to forcibly turn off the power to the specified
domain. This option is used together with the -d option.
-h Displays usage statement. When used with other options or
operands, an error occurs.
-M Displays text by page. This option provides a function that is
the same as that of the more command.
-n Automatically answers 'n' (no) to all prompts.
-q Suppresses all messages to stdout, including prompts.
-y Automatically answers 'y' (yes) to all prompts.