380 XSCF Reference Manual • Last Revised January 2007
■ XSB is installed in the domain and this domain is in OpenBoot PROM (ok>
prompt) status.
■ XSB is installed in the domain and this domain is power ON status, power
OFF status, or reset status.
■ The addboard(8), deleteboard(8), or moveboard(8) command is executed
for XSB.
■ The displayed diagnostic results of the testsb(8) command are as follows:
EXAMPLE 1 Performs the initial diagnosis on PSB#00.
XSB XSB numbers belonging to the specified PSBs. One XSB number
is displayed for the Uni-XSB type, and four XSB numbers are
displayed for the Quad-XSB type.
Test Status of the initial diagnosis of XSBs. One of the following
status values is displayed:
Unmount No XSB could be recognized because no XSB
is mounted or because an error occurred.
Unknown Not tested.
Testing Initial diagnosis is in progress.
Passed Initial diagnosis ended normally.
Failed An error was detected during the initial
diagnosis. An XSB cannot be used or is in a
degraded state.
Fault XSB error. One or more states are displayed:
Normal Normal state.
Degraded One or more components are degraded.
Each XSB can operate.
Faulted An XSB cannot operate because an error
XSCF> testsb 0
Initial diagnosis is about to start. Continue? [y|n] : y
Initial diagnosis is executing.
Initial diagnosis has completed.
XSB Test Fault
---- ------- --------
00-0 Passed Normal
00-1 Passed Normal
00-2 Passed Normal
00-3 Passed Normal